
Open for the Climate

A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.


Remanufacturing – what is it and why do it?

Learn about remanufacturing in this short introduction course. After you have completed this course you will be able to define what remanufacturing is and explain its drivers and challenges. The course also brings up industrial remanufacturing examples from all around the world.About the courseThis course describe what remanufacturing is by defining it and showing existing industrial remanufacturing examples. It also brings up drivers and challenges to remanufacturing and what the economic and environmental aspects that are connected to remanufacturing. Topic covered by the courseWhen you have passed this MOOC you will be able to: - define remanufacturing- give industrial examples of remanufacturing- explain drivers and challenges to remanufacturing- connect economic and environmental aspects to remanufacturingWho can take the course?The course is open to everyone and free. There are no requirements for prior knowledge or special qualifications to participate in the course. Course structureThe course is an online course where teaching is completely by remote methods, using a web-based platform. It consists of several pre-recorded lectures, readings and exercises.

Responding to the metacrisis – untangling myths and values to help us navigate our future

This is a course for professionals and PhD students seeking a wider understanding of our current global predicaments, how to make sense of them, and how to respond. The first module introduces the Anthropocene, The Great Acceleration, Planetary Boundaries along with causal relationships between energy, technology, economy, values and the human and more-than-human experience. The second module explores how our own cognition, values, norms and emotions guide our responses to the crises of our time, and how we can formulate coherent responses based on our experiences. The third introduces a way of reasoning about the world in terms of interconnected systems instead of independent problems, and explores what such a view means for us. The course is run online with 2h highly interactive seminars connected to each module along with recorded material, readings and exercises.

Stormwater management in a changing climate

Cities around the world are facing the challenge of dealing with stormwater to protect against flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Future climate change will make this even more difficult. This course gives an introduction to how can we manage stormwater in a sustainable way in the coming decades.The course containsThe course covers the hydrological cycle and how this is affected by urbanization, as well as rainfall and how this is affected by climate change. The problems with traditional pipe-based drainage systems are discussed before looking at green stormwater infrastructure as a sustainable alternative. Finally, the course looks at how stormwater can be integrated into urban planning. What are you learning?How urbanization affects the water cycle.How rainfall is affected by future climate change.What facilities can be used to manage stormwater in a sustainable way.The role that stormwater plays in urban planning. Who is the course for?This course is designed for anyone who may encounter stormwater in their work, as well as anyone who wants to know more about how we can build a society that is prepared for the effects of future climate change. The course will be given in English.

Sustainable and Democratic digital governance

An introduction to the challenges that both public leadership and governance face in an increasingly digital and globalized world. The content is based on theories and models with global applicability, and uses examples on how Swedish public leadership and governance have met real crises. About the course This course is an accessible introduction to the challenges that both public leadership and governance face in an increasingly digital and globalized world. The content is based on theories and models with global applicability, and uses examples on how Swedish public leadership and governance have met real crises such as climate change, COVID-19, migration crisis, ageing population. The course provides an understanding of how public leadership and governance can address digitalization in sustainable ways building on Swedish illustrations. Topic covered by the course You will get an comprehensive introduction to the challenges that public leadership and governance structure will face through digitalization process.Engage with the topic through your own work and reflection and practice on peer-review on a particular topic.Engage with a selection of relevant and up-to date literature that will be accessible through the course.Who can take the course?The course is open to everyone and free. There are no requirements for prior knowledge or special qualifications to participate in the course. Course structure The course is web-based and is conducted entirely remotely via a web-based course platform. It is divided into four modules: First module will give an overarching introduction to the overall concepts of sustainability, digitalization and democracy. We will be staying mostly conceptual and theoretical in the first week. At the end of the week there will be a digital quiz and an scrapbook assignment. Second module there will be a discussion around institutions and what digitalization has meant looking at practical examples such as Transportation agency and the Linköping Municipality. At the end of the week there will be a digital quiz and an scrapbook assignment. Third week will delve more into the practical implications of diglitalisation for areas such as E-government, social services and health care. At the end of the week there will be a digital quiz and an scrapbook assignment. The last module will be based around self-study and the compilation of a scrapbook that will be uploaded to Lisam and then discussed and reviewed in an online forum setting. Each participant will produce one scrapbook and review three different scrapbooks during the last module.

Sustainable Cities and Communities Specialization

WHat you will learn Increased knowledge on sustainable cities and communities. Deeper understanding of the relationship between urbanization, decarbonisation and sustainability. Improved critical thinking on the opportunities and challenges for sustainable cities and communities as engines for greening the economy. Expanded ability to use systems thinking to assess sustainable cities and communities.   About this SpecializationIn this specialization you will learn how to drive change in cities and communities towards sustainable, climate friendly, just, healthy and prosperous futures, and you will boost your career with new knowledge, understanding and skills for navigating urban transformations. This specialisation brings together a series of cutting-edge courses with world-leading teachers on cities, communities, sustainability, governance and innovation. This specialization is offered by the IIIEE at Lund University and the City Futures Academy – an online learning community on urban transformations. Our flagship course, Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities, is ranked in the Best Online Courses of All Time by Class Central. The ranking by Class Central contains 250 courses from 100 universities based on 170,000 reviews. Our specialisation builds on the success of the Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities course.  A key approach embedded in the courses in this specialisation is the role of experimentation in urban transformations. In particular, urban living labs are highlighted as a means for catalysing change in cities and communities towards sustainable, climate friendly, just, healthy and prosperous futures. The experimentation within urban living labs offers the potential for accelerating transformations and systematic learning across urban and national contexts. Applied Learning Project Learners are introduced to key facts and insights about sustainable cities and communities as engines for greening the economy, then tasked with developing this understanding through readings and practice exercises that highlight the role of urban living labs in creating sustainable cities and communities. Specifically, you will learn: how to work with greening the economy through cities and communities; how to design and implement urban living labs for accelerating change in cities and communities; how to build resilience and create a host of benefits from nature-based solutions in cities and communities; and how to influence consumption patterns in cities and communities through sharing practices . Further documentaries and quizzes will provide you with critical thinking and a broader and deeper perspective that are essential to understanding and creating sustainable cities and communities. 

Transforming Development: The Science and Practice of Resilience Thinking

With concerns about climate and global environmental changes, extreme events, and increases in social, economic, and political shocks, the concept of resilience is proving popular across a range of sectors as a way to understand and respond to our surprise-riddled world. This concept is now presented in a course led by the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Centre for Complex Systems in Transitions and includes the latest research and practice on resilience. Resilience thinking includes the ability to persist in the face of challenges, adapt to new realities, or transform to fundamentally new paths for development. Resilience thinking is more than a theory, more than a set of tools. It is a way of seeing the world, offering a new perspective of how change in the world happens. Resilience thinking provides a new approach for building understanding and taking action in a complex world that is deeply interconnected and ever-changing. A world where controlled, planned approaches, existing knowledge and current solutions are not enough to effectively respond to the challenges in a highly dynamic and uncertain future. Addressing poverty, injustice, and inequality, and advancing human well-being remains a major ambition and challenge for the 21st century, and it now needs to consider that development will happen in a context radically different from the past. This course includes case studies and examples from practitioners who are working with resilience concepts in diverse contexts around the world. It is supported by strong scientific evidence and committed to being a platform to bring together and spark collaboration between individuals and organizations from around the world who are driven to transform development. This course is for: Development practitioners, policymakers and managers within development agencies around the world, as well as those working in the field with an interest in resilience thinking as it relates to development policy and practice.Students who are interested in the intersection of resilience, sustainability and development, and with a general interest in both local and global sustainability challengesAnyone with an interest in development, resilience thinking, and sustainability

Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees

This open online course offers you useful insights as to how cities can speed up the change. It looks at how something as simple as the physical layout of cities can impact their ecological footprint. It shows the city’s crucial role in support of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as how urban planning and transport planning can provide benefits that go well beyond just the environment. The course has a focus on the science, methods and tools needed to reach the 1.5°C goal and it taps into WWF’s expertise from over a decade of supporting urban climate action through the One Planet City Challenge. The course exposes you to examples of ambitious urban climate action and helps highlight which actions can be relevant in your city. This course is produced by WWF in partnership with Lund University. Learning materials include best cases which come from the cities across the globe that partake in WWF’s global initiative the One Planet City Challenge, a written assignment, quizzes and a course compendium. The course content is structured as follows: Module 1: Cities & Climate Change / 1.5°C alignment in citiesModule 2: Urban Planning & Policy: Getting this right for climate & people            Module 3: Renewable Energy in cities - Renewable Energy Solutions are crucial for cities to meet the 1.5°C targetModule 4: Energy Efficiency in cities  

Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability and Innovation

How can we work with nature to design and build our cities? This course explores urban nature and nature-based solutions in cities in Europe and around the world. We connect together the key themes of cities, nature, sustainability and innovation. We discuss how to assess what nature-based solutions can achieve in cities. We examine how innovation is taking place in cities in relation to nature. And we analyse the potential of nature-based solutions to help respond to climate change and sustainability challenges. This course was launched in January 2020, and it was updated in September 2021 with new podcasts, films and publications. The course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with partners from Naturvation – a collaborative project on finding synergies between cities, nature, sustainability and innovation. The course features researchers, practitioners and entrepreneurs from a range organisations.   


FÖR VEM riktar sig till handläggare i kommuner och länsstyrelser samt till alla som vill lära mer om vindkraft. VAD OCH VARFÖR Syftet med kursen är att öka kunskapen om vindkraft och specifikt om frågeställningar som är aktuella vid tillståndsärenden. NÄR OCH HUR Du väljer själv när samt i vilken takt du vill genomföra momenten. Samtliga delar av kursen är avgiftsfria. är uppbyggd av fyra moduler: 1. Vindkraftens förutsättningar 2. Miljöpåverkan 3. Prövning och tillsyn 4. Idébank & lokal nytta Inne i modulerna finns både sökfunktion och kursöversikt, så att du lätt kan orientera dig genom kursens innehåll. Att gå igenom hela kursen tar ca 3–5 dagar beroende på hur intensivt/extensivt du läser. Du kan även välja att läsa delar av kursen.