With concerns about climate and global environmental changes, extreme events, and increases in social, economic, and political shocks, the concept of resilience is proving popular across a range of sectors as a way to understand and respond to our surprise-riddled world.
This concept is now presented in a course led by the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Centre for Complex Systems in Transitions and includes the latest research and practice on resilience.
Resilience thinking includes the ability to persist in the face of challenges, adapt to new realities, or transform to fundamentally new paths for development. Resilience thinking is more than a theory, more than a set of tools. It is a way of seeing the world, offering a new perspective of how change in the world happens. Resilience thinking provides a new approach for building understanding and taking action in a complex world that is deeply interconnected and ever-changing. A world where controlled, planned approaches, existing knowledge and current solutions are not enough to effectively respond to the challenges in a highly dynamic and uncertain future. Addressing poverty, injustice, and inequality, and advancing human well-being remains a major ambition and challenge for the 21st century, and it now needs to consider that development will happen in a context radically different from the past.
This course includes case studies and examples from practitioners who are working with resilience concepts in diverse contexts around the world. It is supported by strong scientific evidence and committed to being a platform to bring together and spark collaboration between individuals and organizations from around the world who are driven to transform development.
This course is for:
Development practitioners, policymakers and managers within development agencies around the world, as well as those working in the field with an interest in resilience thinking as it relates to development policy and practice.
Students who are interested in the intersection of resilience, sustainability and development, and with a general interest in both local and global sustainability challenges
Anyone with an interest in development, resilience thinking, and sustainability
This is a course for professionals and PhD students seeking a wider understanding of our current global predicaments, how to make sense of them, and how to respond. The first module introduces the Anthropocene, The Great Acceleration, Planetary Boundaries along with causal relationships between energy, technology, economy, values and the human and more-than-human experience. The second module explores how our own cognition, values, norms and emotions guide our responses to the crises of our time, and how we can formulate coherent responses based on our experiences. The third introduces a way of reasoning about the world in terms of interconnected systems instead of independent problems, and explores what such a view means for us. The course is run online with 2h highly interactive seminars connected to each module along with recorded material, readings and exercises.
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.
Miljö, klimat och hälsa Kursen ger en fördjupad förståelse för hur hälsa samspelar med globalisering och miljö- och klimatförändringar, och hur hållbara lösningar kan utvecklas på lokal och global nivå för att möta framtidens utmaningar. Kursens innehåll Globala processer såsom miljö- och klimatförändringarDe globala hållbarhetsmålen / Agenda 2030HälsokonsekvensanalysKlimatanpassningRamverk inom miljö- och klimatpolitik. Vidare behandlar kursen specifikt klimatförändringar och deras effekter på hälsa i vårt nordeuropeiska klimatområde. I det sammanhanget behandlas också särskilt utsatta miljöer respektive känsliga patientgrupper och individer. Även värmens effekter vid arbete samt klimatanpassning och förebyggande av väderrelaterade risker för boende och inom hälso- och sjukvård ingår. Larmkedjor, handlingsplaner och beredskapsfrågor inom vård- och omsorg tas upp, och effektiviteten av förebyggande åtgärder inom vård- och omsorg. Omfattning Kursen är uppdelad i tre delar, med totalt 15 filmade föreläsningar. Medverkande Christofer Åström (Medicine doktor, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Maria Nilsson (Professor, Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå universitet) Chris Ebi (Professor, Center for Health and the Global Environment, University of Washington) Eva-Lotta Glader (Docent, överläkare, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Gustav Strandberg (Filosofie doktor, SMHI)
The course on Large Language Models for Industry is designed to cater to the demands of industries amidst the global push for sustainability and green transitions. Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a pivotal technology thatcan revolutionize how industries operate, communicate, and innovate. In this course, participants explore the intricate mechanics and practical applications of LLMs within industry contexts. The course covers the principles and technologies spanning from traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Natural Language Understanding (NLU), enabled through the development of LLMs. Emphasizing industry-specific challenges and opportunities, participants learn to utilize LLMs while considering sustainability concerns. Participants gain valuable insights from adapting LLMs to tackle real-world problems through examples and exercises tailored to industry needs. By the course completion,participants are equipped to leverage LLMs as transformative tools for driving industry innovation and, at the same time, advancing sustainability goals. Scheduled online seminars November 14th 2024, 15:00 - 17:00 December 12th 2024, 15:00 - 17:00 January 9th 2025, 14:00 - 17:00 Entry requirements At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Business models that efficiently contribute to reduction of material use and waste are key to successful transition towards sustainability. This course has a particular focus on the interplay between business models, product innovation and production processes. Through this course, you will explore the critical relationship between sustainable practices and business strategies, preparing you to contribute meaningfully to the circular economy and sustainable development initiatives. In this course, you will be introduced to systematic working methods for business development in practical contexts, with a specific focus on innovation and creativity. The goal of the course is to provide a deep understanding of the application of various business model practices in different types of development work. The objective is for course participants to enhance their ability to understand and apply business development processes in the manufacturing industry, and gain deeper insights into how these processes relate to organizations' innovation and business strategies in order to achieve circular flows, resilience, and sustainability. The teaching consists of self-study using course literature, films, and other materials through an internet-based course platform, as well as scheduled webinars and written reflections. There are no physical meetings; only digital online seminars are incuded. Study hours 40 hours distributed from week x, 2025 to week x, 2025. Webinar 1: Webinar 2: Webinar 3: The first webinar is Januray x, but the course opens on January x, which means that you by then reach the course material and can start your training. Target GroupThis course is primarily intended for engineers in management or middle management positions within industry, whether they are recent graduates or individuals with extensive experience. The course is suitable for individuals with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering management, or similar educational background. Entry RequirementsTo be eligible for this course, participants must have completed courses equivalent to at least 120 credits, with a minimum of 90 entry Requirement credits in a technical subject area, with at least a passing grade, or equivalent knowledge. Proficiency in English is also required, equivalent to English Level 6. Educational package in circular economyThe course Product/production and business development for circular flows is an introduction of the educational package starting again spring 2024. This course Business development for circular flow together with Product development for circular flows and Production for cirkular flows are free standing independent courses that build on knowledge in the field.
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.