
Open for the Climate

A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.


Data driven modeling for engineers

Numerical models are used in every engineering task, from conceptual design to optimization, control, and diagnostics. As the process becomes more complex, data driven models are a powerful tool that allows to quantify relationships between available data and observations, which forms the basis for machine learning. Image recognition, spam filtering, and predictive analytics are some examples of how we can use data driven models. This course provides a simple introduction to fundamental techniques for dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression, which can be applied to all types of engineering problems.

Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice

Learn more about climate change’s impact on society and how you can lead a wide range of transition processes and practically work with climate transitions within different areas. Ongoing and future climate impacts on different parts of society, the attempts to try to build sustainability within planetary boundaries and interconnected international crises’ have created a unique situation concerning the issues’ urgency, complexity and uncertainty. Within this shifting landscape knowledgeable, creative and brave leaders and citizens are necessary to being able to fundamentally change how businesses, regions, municipalities and different organizations work and achieve results. This online course introduces climate science, climate change’s impact on society, different perspectives on the causes and possible solutions to the climate dilemma, climate justice and international agreements, carbon budgets and different climate scenarios, leadership within different contexts on different levels, key areas for successful transitions and different good examples of climate transitions, the individual’s and the collective’s possibilities and responsibilities, and concrete first steps towards transitions work within your work and local context. The Uppsala University learning platform Studium course run will start January 15, 2024 Duration: 5 weeks Weekly study time: 4 hours

Batterier: Att driva en mobil värld

Den här kursen ger en inblick i batteriernas värld. Vi använder alla batterier varje dag, men vet du verkligen hur ett batteri fungerar, vad som finns i det, vad det är användbart för och hur forskare försöker förbättra dem för framtiden? I den här introduktionskursen kommer vi att berätta allt från batterigrunderna, till utvecklingen av litiumjonbatteriet, deras tillämpningar och krav, vilka typer av material som används för att bygga batterier, till vad som händer med ett batteri när det är slut. och hur batterier utvecklas för framtiden. Som deltagare i denna kurs har du helst någon form av teknisk bakgrund, troligen läst naturvetenskap på högskola eller till och med på högre utbildning, eller har erfarenhet av ett tekniskt yrke. Förhoppningen är att du efter kursen ska bli mycket mer medveten om batterivärlden, kraven, applikationerna och komponenterna i ett batteri, samt ett bredare perspektiv på hur denna viktiga teknik kommer att utvecklas under det kommande decenniet. Observera att videoinspelningarna i denna kurs är på engelska men är textade på svenska.

Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities

A thriving global society relies on the stability of the Earth and its resilience across oceans, forests, waterways, biodiversity, the atmosphere and more. So how do we shape sustainability at a global scale? The boundaries set by the planet’s natural resources, the resilience of those resources, and the human activities that impact sustainability all come into play. In this massive open online course, see the rapidly evolving trends in global environmental change and the responses aimed at slowing or eliminating these changes. Get an overview of what is seen by some scientists as our current geological epoch – the Anthropocene, or an age of global change driven most significantly by humans. Learn how unsustainable patterns of production, consumption and population growth have challenge planetary resilience, all in support of human activity – and how our societies can develop in a just and safe way within the planet’s boundaries. This course is for: * Anyone new to the concept of sustainable development who wants to understand the interplay between human actions and what the planet can support.* Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of sustainability, environmental science, responsible consumption and related topics* Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility – who want a concise overview of the latest developments in the field

Transforming Development: The Science and Practice of Resilience Thinking

With concerns about climate and global environmental changes, extreme events, and increases in social, economic, and political shocks, the concept of resilience is proving popular across a range of sectors as a way to understand and respond to our surprise-riddled world. This concept is now presented in a course led by the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Centre for Complex Systems in Transitions and includes the latest research and practice on resilience. Resilience thinking includes the ability to persist in the face of challenges, adapt to new realities, or transform to fundamentally new paths for development. Resilience thinking is more than a theory, more than a set of tools. It is a way of seeing the world, offering a new perspective of how change in the world happens. Resilience thinking provides a new approach for building understanding and taking action in a complex world that is deeply interconnected and ever-changing. A world where controlled, planned approaches, existing knowledge and current solutions are not enough to effectively respond to the challenges in a highly dynamic and uncertain future. Addressing poverty, injustice, and inequality, and advancing human well-being remains a major ambition and challenge for the 21st century, and it now needs to consider that development will happen in a context radically different from the past. This course includes case studies and examples from practitioners who are working with resilience concepts in diverse contexts around the world. It is supported by strong scientific evidence and committed to being a platform to bring together and spark collaboration between individuals and organizations from around the world who are driven to transform development. This course is for: Development practitioners, policymakers and managers within development agencies around the world, as well as those working in the field with an interest in resilience thinking as it relates to development policy and practice.Students who are interested in the intersection of resilience, sustainability and development, and with a general interest in both local and global sustainability challengesAnyone with an interest in development, resilience thinking, and sustainability

Hydrogen for sustainable solutions: What is hydrogen and why is it important?

The use of hydrogen is increasing sharply in the world. If you want to know the basics about hydrogen then this is the course for you. What will you learn?You get answers to questions such as: Why is hydrogen interesting? How is hydrogen produced? How is hydrogen distributed and stored? How can hydrogen be handled safely? How is hydrogen used to change to a sustainable and environmentally friendly society? Who is the course for?The course is for anyone who is curious to know a little more about hydrogen. Advanced knowledge of chemistry and physics is enough to keep up. Who are the teachers?Assistant Professor Erik Elfgren, Professor Rikard Gebart, Dr Fredrik Granberg, Dr Cecilia Wallmark, Professor Andrea Toffolo, Professor Xiaoyan Ji, Professor Kentaro Umeki, Luleå Univerity of Technology and Professor Thomas Wågberg, Umeå University.

Catalytic Leadership for a Sustainable Change

This course emphasizes that systems-based changes are needed to achieve a sustainable world. In the past, dominant theories of change have neglected these complex conditions. In part, it includes the belief that change can be managed, planned, and controlled. This course suggests more contemporary theories where you are more inclusive, being many stakeholders and use fluid ways of creating change. Similar compositions of ideas have been tested in the honours track Change Maker Future Track at LU School of Economics and Management. At the end of the course, the participants will have a better chance of: a.       Understanding of the systemic nature of sustainability b.       Understanding of systems theory, and the concepts of complexity and wicked problems c.       Understanding of systems innovation and change d.       Having an overview of some tools for describing and analysing complex problems and contexts e.       Having an overview of contemporary theories of change f.        Having an in-depth understanding of the concept of Catalytic Leadership and Change    

Cities, Climate and Change: Pathways and Opportunities

This course explores how we can design, create and achieve climate neutral cities. We embrace the “mission to the moon” approach for tackling greenhouse emissions from cities putting an emphasis on pathways and opportunities. We utilise insights and inspiration from Sweden, Europe and around the world.  We target how to support individuals and organisations in developing transformative skills and capacities for action on climate neutral cities. We focus on mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions but also connect to adaptation, resilience, social justice and sustainable development in the context of cities, climate and change. The course is designed around 5 interconnected modules. We therefore created a format that provides a diversity of ways to learn and creatively engage with the content. Module 1: Visions and Plans. In this week we begin with looking at visions for climate action and the plans or strategies on how to achieve ambitious goals.Module 2: Data and Tools. In this week we explore tools for climate action and creating both immediate and long-lasting impacts.Module 3: Finance and Partnerships. In this week we tackle the key challenge of financing climate action and the vital role of partnerships.Module 4: Engagement and Action. In this week we delve into community and citizen engagement and how it underpins climate action.Module 5: Research and Innovation. In this week we connect climate action to research, evaluation and innovation.  This course will be launched on Oct 25, 2023.

Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees

This open online course offers you useful insights as to how cities can speed up the change. It looks at how something as simple as the physical layout of cities can impact their ecological footprint. It shows the city’s crucial role in support of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as how urban planning and transport planning can provide benefits that go well beyond just the environment. The course has a focus on the science, methods and tools needed to reach the 1.5°C goal and it taps into WWF’s expertise from over a decade of supporting urban climate action through the One Planet City Challenge. The course exposes you to examples of ambitious urban climate action and helps highlight which actions can be relevant in your city. This course is produced by WWF in partnership with Lund University. Learning materials include best cases which come from the cities across the globe that partake in WWF’s global initiative the One Planet City Challenge, a written assignment, quizzes and a course compendium. The course content is structured as follows: Module 1: Cities & Climate Change / 1.5°C alignment in citiesModule 2: Urban Planning & Policy: Getting this right for climate & people            Module 3: Renewable Energy in cities - Renewable Energy Solutions are crucial for cities to meet the 1.5°C targetModule 4: Energy Efficiency in cities  

Offentlig upphandling av cirkulära lösningar

Arbetar du med offentliga upphandlingar? Du kan spela en viktig roll i Sveriges strävan mot att bli mer hållbart och cirkulärt. I den här kursen får du lära dig mer om hur du genom upphandling kan bidra till att driva fram mer innovativa och hållbara lösningar.  Om den här kursen Offentlig upphandling kan spela en viktig roll för att nå ett mer hållbart och cirkulärt samhälle. I Sverige motsvarar den idag snart 1 000 miljarder kr per år och rätt använd kan den, genom sin enorma omfattning, driva fram nydanande mer hållbara lösningar. Lösningar som har potential att skapa mer värde och minskade kostnader för offentligheten. För att lyckas krävs dock ny kunskap, t ex kopplat till teknik, ekonomi och juridik, om hur man på bästa sätt upphandlar dessa mer cirkulära och hållbara lösningar.  Det här får du lära dig När du har gått kursen kommer du att ha lärt dig: olika koncept och strategier kopplat till cirkulär ekonomi vilka hinder och drivkrafter som finns för implementering av cirkulära strategier vid offentlig upphandling vilka rättsliga normer som möjliggör, begränsar eller förhindrar upphandling av cirkulära lösningar grundläggande principer för kravhantering och uppföljning Vem kan gå kursen? Alla som har ett intresse för upphandling av cirkulära lösningar. Kursen riktar sig främst till yrkesverksamma personer inom näringsliv och organisationer som arbetar med offentlig upphandling, eller personer som studerar upphandling. Kursen är öppen för alla och gratis. Det finns inga krav på förkunskaper eller särskild behörighet för att delta i kursen. Upplägg Kursen ges online och på distans, och du kan följa kursen i din egen takt. Kursmaterialet bygger på inspelade föreläsningar och läsanvisningar.

Hållbar utveckling ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv för yrkeslärare

Välkommen till ett öppet och nätbaserat utbildningsmaterial som bidrar med kunskap och inspiration för att stödja yrkeslärares undervisning med Hållbar utveckling. MålgruppVerksamma yrkeslärare och yrkeslärarstudenter. InnehållUtbildningsmaterialet baseras på: nationella och internationella styrdokument om Hållbar utveckling, yrkeslärares beprövade undervisningserfarenhet samt forskning om skolutveckling och yrkeslärares undervisning för alla yrkeselever Kursmaterialet ger grundläggande kunskap om Hållbar utveckling och en fördjupning i dimensionen Social hållbarhet. Avsikten är också att inspirera till programvisa skolutvecklingsarbeten genom filmer där verksamma yrkeslärare beskriver hur de arbetar med Hållbar utveckling i olika yrkesprogram. Utbildningsmaterialet består av inspelade föreläsningar som du kan ta del av i den ordning du har behov av. Om du inte tidigare arbetat med Hållbar utveckling i ditt yrkesprogram rekommenderar vi att du tar del av utbildningsmaterialet i följande ordning: Hållbar utveckling Social hållbarhet Skolutveckling Inspirationsfilmer av och för yrkeslärare Vid anmälan får du länk till material och inloggningsuppgifter. Mer information om utbildningen.  Medverkande Mari Forsberg, universitetsadjunkt, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Robert Holmgren, lektor, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Gerd Pettersson, lektor, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Jenny Björkén, yrkeslärare, Hotell- och turismprogrammet, Astar, Luleå Stina Björkén, yrkeslärare, Restaurang- och livsmedelsprogrammet, Astar, Luleå Urban Burman, yrkeslärare, Fordons- och transportprogrammet, Anderstorpsskolan, Skellefteå Annette Christiansen, yrkeslärarstudent, Hantverksprogrammet frisör, Luleå Anna Renhorn Pohl, yrkeslärare, Försäljnings- och serviceprogrammet, Praktiska gymnasiet, Skellefteå  

Enforcing Sustainable Development

What can we do to address the sustainability challenges we face? In this course, you will gain insight into how individuals, organisations and societies approach sustainability challenges in different ways. In various parts of the world different challenges are prioritized and thereby, various approaches and solutions are needed. You will learn about the considerations needed to make decisions of how to prioritize sustainable development. You will also be introduced to different strategies for changing values, attitudes and behaviours. The course introduces enforcements that are applied to influence individuals within companies and in the society at large, including different incentives and instruments to ensure more sustainable behaviours. This course is relevant to professionals working in industry, policymakers, or students in engineering. What you'll learn Identify and prioritize solutions based on different perspectives About how the values, attitudes and behaviours for sustainable development are connected About different environmental management tools How to implement organizational learning, incentives and instruments to change behaviours for sustainable development Concepts used in the current sustainability debate See all free online courses that KTH offers